hello! ヾ(@°▽°@) That's me! ↑↑↑
So I will start to talk about myself! I'm Jennifer, aged 16, and currently living in Bali! Although I wasn't born here, I was raised here, so it is practically my hometown! v(^-^)v I have dozens of awesome friends who are so nice and I love them so much. My parents are great, they are the best in my life. My sister and my brother are great too, though they like to tease me sometime, but I still put them in the priority in my life! My hobbies consisted of drawing, make nail arts (obsessed!), and make handmade cross stitches! :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*: I also love to read tons of cheesy novels. I'm currently re-reading a book titled "Looking For Alaska". For some reason, I couldn't take off that book from my eyes (although I've read the book for more than 10 times!) (≧▽≦)! I shop a lot too! I'm obsessed with vintage-y things, cat related stuffs, lolita inspired accessories, heart shaped everything, and floral prints! I also hope, one day, I can accomplish all of my dreams. One of my biggest dream is to visit Japan or live in the UK and study fashion retail there so that I can be the next "Alexander Wang" from UK instead of NY. I love all of his pieces and he's been so inspiring for me. His designs are timeless and immortal, not only a passing trend. I hope that one day, I can make my mummy and daddy happy. Looking at their smiles is already make me feel the warmth in my heart (´_`。)...
And I guess that's all for now you need to know about me! If you needed assistance or further information about me, don't be afraid to ask me anytime you want!
Au revoir ゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆
IALF - Education For Development
Have you ever heard about this amazing English course?
Well, IALF is one of the best English course in Bali. As we can see, IALF has a lot of native speakers which are emphasizing to speak English correctly. There are a lot of English that we have to learn to be a good English speaker, such as grammar, vocabulary, and intonation. We can get to know all of those aspect by taking course at IALF.
According to its own website, IALF has this impressive mission;
The mission of the Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF) is to be the leading provider of language training and consultancy services in Indonesia and the Asia Pacific region. The IALF will achieve this by providing high quality programs and services to a wide range of government and corporate clients, based on the highest professional standards and on its top quality curricula and resources.
The IALF will thereby contribute to economic, social and cultural development in the region and to mutual respect and understanding between the people of Indonesia and neighbouring countries.
The IALF was established under a Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of Indonesia and Australia and is controlled by a Board of Governors.
The IALF currently trains approximately 800 full-time and 6,000 part-time students a year. Over the past 25 years it has established a reputation as the leading language training organisation in South East Asia.
The IALF has languages centers in Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bali. Gladly, I stayed in Bali instead of other big cities so I can easily find the IALF. The IALF employs approximately 200 staff, including over 50 teachers of English and Bahasa Indonesia.
The IALF is just as amazing as it sounded like, so what are you waiting for? Take a sneak peak on its official website here, read through it, and take a seat there!
Well, IALF is one of the best English course in Bali. As we can see, IALF has a lot of native speakers which are emphasizing to speak English correctly. There are a lot of English that we have to learn to be a good English speaker, such as grammar, vocabulary, and intonation. We can get to know all of those aspect by taking course at IALF.
According to its own website, IALF has this impressive mission;
The mission of the Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF) is to be the leading provider of language training and consultancy services in Indonesia and the Asia Pacific region. The IALF will achieve this by providing high quality programs and services to a wide range of government and corporate clients, based on the highest professional standards and on its top quality curricula and resources.
The IALF will thereby contribute to economic, social and cultural development in the region and to mutual respect and understanding between the people of Indonesia and neighbouring countries.
The IALF was established under a Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of Indonesia and Australia and is controlled by a Board of Governors.
The IALF currently trains approximately 800 full-time and 6,000 part-time students a year. Over the past 25 years it has established a reputation as the leading language training organisation in South East Asia.
The IALF has languages centers in Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bali. Gladly, I stayed in Bali instead of other big cities so I can easily find the IALF. The IALF employs approximately 200 staff, including over 50 teachers of English and Bahasa Indonesia.
The IALF is just as amazing as it sounded like, so what are you waiting for? Take a sneak peak on its official website here, read through it, and take a seat there!
Lyric Lagu Indonesia Raya
Ciptaan : W.R. Supratman / Wage Rudolf Supratman
Indonesia tanah airku
Tanah tumpah darahku
Disanalah aku berdiri
Jadi pandu ibuku
Indonesia kebangsaanku
Bangsa dan Tanah Airku
Marilah kita berseru
Indonesia bersatu
Hiduplah tanahku
Hiduplah negriku
Bangsaku Rakyatku semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya
Bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Tanahku negriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Tanahku negriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Tanah yang mulia
Tanah kita yang kaya
Di sanalah aku berada Untuk slama-lamanya
Indonesia Tanah pusaka Pusaka Kita semuanya
Marilah kita mendoa Indonesia bahagia
Suburlah Tanahnya Suburlah jiwanya
Bangsanya Rakyatnya semuanya
Sadarlah hatinya Sadarlah budinya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Tanah yang suci Tanah kita yang sakti
Disanalah aku berdiri 'njaga ibu sejati
Indonesia! Tanah berseri Tanah yang aku sayangi
Marilah kita berjanji Indonesia abadi
Slamatlah Rakyatnya Slamatlah putranya
Pulaunya lautnya semuanya
Majulah Negrinya Majulah Pandunya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia tanah airku
Tanah tumpah darahku
Disanalah aku berdiri
Jadi pandu ibuku
Indonesia kebangsaanku
Bangsa dan Tanah Airku
Marilah kita berseru
Indonesia bersatu
Hiduplah tanahku
Hiduplah negriku
Bangsaku Rakyatku semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya
Bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Tanahku negriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Tanahku negriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya
Merdeka Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Tanah yang mulia
Tanah kita yang kaya
Di sanalah aku berada Untuk slama-lamanya
Indonesia Tanah pusaka Pusaka Kita semuanya
Marilah kita mendoa Indonesia bahagia
Suburlah Tanahnya Suburlah jiwanya
Bangsanya Rakyatnya semuanya
Sadarlah hatinya Sadarlah budinya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Tanah yang suci Tanah kita yang sakti
Disanalah aku berdiri 'njaga ibu sejati
Indonesia! Tanah berseri Tanah yang aku sayangi
Marilah kita berjanji Indonesia abadi
Slamatlah Rakyatnya Slamatlah putranya
Pulaunya lautnya semuanya
Majulah Negrinya Majulah Pandunya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Kekuatan raksasa militer Indonesia
Inilah Kekuatan Raksasa Militer Indonesia 1960 - Era Presiden Sukarno. kekuatan militer Indonesia adalah salah satu yang terbesar dan terkuat di dunia saat itu, bahkan kekuatan Belanda sudah tidak sebanding dengan Indonesia, dan Amerika sangat khawatir dengan perkembangan kekuatan militer kita yang didukung besar-besaran oleh teknologi terbaru Uni Soviet.
1960, Belanda masih bercokol di Papua. Melihat kekuatan Republik Indonesia yang makin hebat, Belanda yang didukung Barat merancang muslihat untuk membentuk negara boneka yang seakan-akan merdeka, tapi masih dibawah kendali Belanda.
Presiden Sukarno segera mengambil tindakan ekstrim, tujuannya, merebut kembali Papua. Sukarno segera mengeluarkan maklumat "Trikora" di Yogyakarta, dan isinya adalah:
1. Gagalkan pembentukan negara boneka Papua buatan kolonial Belanda.
2. Kibarkan Sang Saka Merah Putih di seluruh Irian Barat
3. Bersiaplah untuk mobilisasi umum, mempertahankan kemerdekaan dan kesatuan tanah air bangsa.
Berkat kedekatan Indonesia dengan Sovyet, maka Indonesia mendapatkan bantuan besar-besaran kekuatan armada laut dan udara militer termaju di dunia dengan nilai raksasa, US$ 2.5 milyar. Saat itu, kekuatan militer Indonesia menjadi yang terkuat di seluruh belahan bumi selatan.
Kekuatan utama Indonesia di saat Trikora itu adalah salah satu kapal perang terbesar dan tercepat di dunia buatan Soviet dari kelas Sverdlov, dengan 12 meriam raksasa kaliber 6 inchi. Ini adalah KRI Irian, dengan bobot raksasa 16.640 ton dengan awak sebesar 1270 orang termasuk 60 perwira. perlu yang anda catat adalah saat itu Soviet, tidak pernah sekalipun memberikan kapal sekuat ini pada bangsa lain manapun, kecuali Indonesia. kapal-kapal terbaru Indonesia sekarang dari kelas Sigma hanya berbobot 1600 ton artinya KRI Irian lebih besar 10 kali dari pada KRI terbesar sekarang yang dimiliki TNI.
Angkatan udara Indonesia juga menjadi salah satu armada udara paling mematikan di dunia, yang terdiri dari lebih dari 100 pesawat tercanggih saat itu. Armada ini terdiri dari :
1. 20 pesawat pemburu supersonic MiG-21 Fishbed.
2. 30 pesawat MiG-15.
3. 49 pesawat tempur high-subsonic MiG-17.
4. 10 pesawat supersonic MiG-19.
Pesawat MiG-21 Fishbed adalah salah satu pesawat supersonic tercanggih di dunia, yang telah mampu terbang dengan kecepatan mencapai Mach 2/kira-kira 2000 km/jam (1 mach= 1000km/jam). Pesawat ini bahkan lebih hebat dari pesawat tercanggih Amerika saat itu, pesawat supersonic F-104 Starfighter dan F-5 Tiger. Sementara Belanda masih mengandalkan pesawat-pesawat peninggalan Perang Dunia II seperti P-51 Mustang.
Sebagai catatan, kedahsyatan pesawat-pesawat MiG-21 dan MiG-17 di Perang Vietnam sampai mendorong Amerika mendirikan United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor, pusat latihan pilot-pilot terbaik yang dikenal dengan nama TOP GUN.
Indonesia juga memiliki armada 26 pembom jarak jauh strategis Tu-16 Tupolev (Badger A dan B). DiDunia saat itu hanya 4 negara yang memeliki Pesawat semacam ini adalah AMERIKA, UNI SOVIET, dan INGGRIS Ini membuat Indonesia menjadi salah satu dari hanya 4 bangsa di dunia yang mempunyai pembom strategis. Pangkalannya terletak di Lapangan Udara Iswahyudi, Surabaya.
Bahkan China dan Australia pun belum memiliki pesawat pembom strategis seperti ini. Pembom ini juga dilengkapi berbagai peralatan elektronik canggih dan rudal khusus anti kapal perang AS-1 Kennel, yang daya ledaknya bisa dengan mudah menenggelamkan kapal-kapal tempur Barat.
Total, Indonesia mempunyai 104 unit kapal tempur. Belum lagi ribuan senapan serbu terbaik saat itu dan masih menjadi legendaris sampai saat ini, AK-47.
Ini semua membuat Indonesia menjadi salah satu kekuatan militer laut dan udara terkuat di dunia. Begitu hebat efeknya, sehingga Amerika di bawah pimpinan John F. Kennedy memaksa Belanda untuk segera keluar dari Papua, dan menyatakan dalam forum PBB bahwa peralihan kekuasaan di Papua dari Belanda ke Indonesia adalah sesuatu yang bisa diterima tanpa perlu melakukan kontak/perang terbuka dengan Indonesia karena John F. Kennedy sudah dapat melihat Belanda pasti kalah dan akan memakan banyak korban dari pihak belanda.
Maka dari itu, kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia harus mempertahankan ketangguhan kita. Kekuatan raksasa militer kita pada tahun 1960 merupakan salah satu bukti bahwa negara kita bisa menjadi negara yang tangguh.
Teks Proklamasi
naskah asli teks proklamasi yang ditulis tangan sendiri oleh Soekarno
naskah teks proklamasi yang diketik oleh Sayuti Melik
Text Proklamasi
Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan Kemerdekaan
Indonesia. Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan dan lain-lain
diselenggarakan dengan tjara seksama dan dalam tempo jang
Djakarta, 17 Agoestoes - 1945
Atas nama Bangsa Indonesia,
Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan Kemerdekaan
Indonesia. Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan dan lain-lain
diselenggarakan dengan tjara seksama dan dalam tempo jang
Djakarta, 17 Agoestoes - 1945
Atas nama Bangsa Indonesia,
Satu hal yang patut kita ketahui, membuat teks proklamasi tidaklah semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, karena usaha yang dibutuhkan memakan waktu berpuluh tahun dan beribu nyawa untuk merdeka. Jangan sia-siakan kemerdekaan bangsa ini, jangan terlena dengan pesta kemerdekaan negara kita, jangan lepaskan tanggung jawab dan beban yang besar di pundak kita untuk tetap menggenggam erat kemerdekaan bangsa agar tidak ada lagi penjajah-penjajah yang dengan semena-mena merebut kebebasan kita.
We own freedom. Don't ever lose our grips on it.
My Lovely Indonesia
So you know that my favorite county is Indonesia, right?
Do you know where Indonesia is?
Indonesia is an archipelago in Southeast Asia consisting of 17,000 islands (6,000 inhabited) and straddling the equator. The largest islands are Sumatra, Java (the most populous), Bali, Kalimantan (Indonesia's part of Borneo), Sulawesi (Celebes), the Nusa Tenggara islands, the Moluccas Islands, and Irian Jaya (also called West Papua), the western part of New Guinea. Its neighbor to the north is Malaysia and to the east is Papua New Guinea.
Indonesia, part of the “ring of fire,” has the largest number of active volcanoes in the world. Earthquakes are frequent. Wallace's line, a zoological demarcation between Asian and Australian flora and fauna, divides Indonesia.
Now you know where it is. I can proudly say I'm an Indonesian because this country is amazing. Its population consisted of more than 197 million human. It also has a really cool physical creature. Indonesia has many high mountains, the highest of which are over 4000 metres. Many of them are active volcanoes. There are tropical rainforests and jungles, as well as swampy mangrove areas. Indonesia's most fertile land is on the island of Java.
I love how my country is a free country. By free, I mean every opinions are accepted. Our president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, leads our country nicely. I guess he's a really great president becasue Indonesia now is better than before.
Talking about Indonesia, we can't take the topic off of food. I love Indonesian food! You won't find the best fried rice and soto ayam in the whole world! Indonesian food is the best because it's spicy and has lovely colors (such as gado-gado). I'm a practically vegan, so my favorite Indonesian food would be gado-gado too!
Another thing that I love from my country is the climate. Even sometimes its heat burns like hell, I'm glad that it doesn't have 4 season. Having 4 seasons sounds great though, but we will get difficulty when the season changes. For example, when you are going from fall to winter, you will need thicker clothes and better house structure (so when the snowstorm comes your house won't break apart). And I hate preparing too much stuffs. I like how my country's climate is nice when it rains.. Although at some place, floods may come, but I think that doesn't matter when you know how to take care of trashes and junks.
I live in Bali, one of the best island in Indonesia. Bali is like a second Hawaii, because of its beaches and climate. Also, there are a lot of great surfers come from Bali! Very impressive, isn't it?
Tourists love to come here, to Bali too! So I guess Bali is practically one of the biggest economy source for Indonesia too.
So the point of this article is, I'm proud being an Indonesian. Somehow I'm a little ashamed on it because of corruptions and terrorists are spreaded here, but I'm happy that beside of those negative things about my country, Indonesia still has a lot of unique cultures and great phisycal condition.
If you aren't a proud Indonesian, shame on you!
Do you know where Indonesia is?
Indonesia is an archipelago in Southeast Asia consisting of 17,000 islands (6,000 inhabited) and straddling the equator. The largest islands are Sumatra, Java (the most populous), Bali, Kalimantan (Indonesia's part of Borneo), Sulawesi (Celebes), the Nusa Tenggara islands, the Moluccas Islands, and Irian Jaya (also called West Papua), the western part of New Guinea. Its neighbor to the north is Malaysia and to the east is Papua New Guinea.
Indonesia, part of the “ring of fire,” has the largest number of active volcanoes in the world. Earthquakes are frequent. Wallace's line, a zoological demarcation between Asian and Australian flora and fauna, divides Indonesia.
Now you know where it is. I can proudly say I'm an Indonesian because this country is amazing. Its population consisted of more than 197 million human. It also has a really cool physical creature. Indonesia has many high mountains, the highest of which are over 4000 metres. Many of them are active volcanoes. There are tropical rainforests and jungles, as well as swampy mangrove areas. Indonesia's most fertile land is on the island of Java.
I love how my country is a free country. By free, I mean every opinions are accepted. Our president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, leads our country nicely. I guess he's a really great president becasue Indonesia now is better than before.
Talking about Indonesia, we can't take the topic off of food. I love Indonesian food! You won't find the best fried rice and soto ayam in the whole world! Indonesian food is the best because it's spicy and has lovely colors (such as gado-gado). I'm a practically vegan, so my favorite Indonesian food would be gado-gado too!
Another thing that I love from my country is the climate. Even sometimes its heat burns like hell, I'm glad that it doesn't have 4 season. Having 4 seasons sounds great though, but we will get difficulty when the season changes. For example, when you are going from fall to winter, you will need thicker clothes and better house structure (so when the snowstorm comes your house won't break apart). And I hate preparing too much stuffs. I like how my country's climate is nice when it rains.. Although at some place, floods may come, but I think that doesn't matter when you know how to take care of trashes and junks.
I live in Bali, one of the best island in Indonesia. Bali is like a second Hawaii, because of its beaches and climate. Also, there are a lot of great surfers come from Bali! Very impressive, isn't it?
Tourists love to come here, to Bali too! So I guess Bali is practically one of the biggest economy source for Indonesia too.
So the point of this article is, I'm proud being an Indonesian. Somehow I'm a little ashamed on it because of corruptions and terrorists are spreaded here, but I'm happy that beside of those negative things about my country, Indonesia still has a lot of unique cultures and great phisycal condition.
If you aren't a proud Indonesian, shame on you!
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